The Vocal Kinesthetics 10 Week Online Mentorship

Voice Training is not the same for everyone.

Learn the basics of brain science and use it to apply neurology to what you already know in singing to get optimum results for your unique nervous system.

Here are the quick and dirty details:

It has previously been held Fridays at 10am PST / 1pm EST for 90 minutes. The time might be changed a bit to include different time zones. The material is recorded and you can view it anytime in a platform called “Mighty Networks” - where it is housed and you can ask questions.

The cost of the The VK Online Mentorship for Voice Teachers, SLPs, and Voice Professionals which includes:

  • 10 weeks of focused applied neurology training for the voice studio or classroom

  • 12+ hours of group training with individual instruction and assessment

  • Lifetime Access to the material, every future intensive and the VK community on Mighty Networks

  • Mighty Networks Office Hours LIVE for your own mobility

It’s priced at $1997

*Total cost can easily be split into 3 automated payments (via Acuity)

Kim continues to add to the program and regularly invites mentees back to take the mentorship again. She has certifications and training with Z-Health Education, The Singing Athlete, The Mentorship with Missy Bunch, classes and trainings with Anna Hartman, Dr. Katlin Davis, Jessica Raum Foster, David Stern and a variety of Z-health coaches with different specializations.

VIP option $2497

Bonuses: Access to Kim’s 3 short courses! VK Short Course (top 5 performing drills), Covid Recovery for Singers, Breathing Deep Dive

  • 2 LIVE singer case study sessions

  • “hot-seat coaching” to practice teaching your peers and give feedback

  • Special guest speakers in the neurology field

  • Private injury/history assessment to get the most out of the intensive for your nervous system

Vocal Kinesthetics

Does this sound like you?

Does this sound like you?

Are you a voice teacher who is feeling frustrated that you aren’t able to successfully coach students with their physical, emotional, or mental obstacles?

Do you feel a lack of confidence in your ability to teach the effortless, safe belting techniques that today’s pop/rock styles and contemporary musicals require?

Are you tired of teaching the same vocalises over and over without a way to significantly change student results? 

Have you been looking to explore neuro-centric training but not able to find a proven teacher or a safe space to learn in?

Are you unsure of how best to help students with past physical injuries or body trauma?

Do you feel at a loss for helping students who have significant problems with performance anxiety?

Are you looking for a way to expand your teaching toolbox and get more effective results with your students?

Are you worried that you are going to lose voice students because your teaching techniques are becoming outdated or ineffective?

You’re not alone!

I’ve worked with hundreds of vocal teachers and voice professionals who experience these exact same challenges, frustrations, and fears.

And who are now teaching with more confidence and a more individualized approach the nervous system in front of them.

All thanks to the magic of neurology.

What if you could…

Gain total confidence in your ability to help every vocal student that walks through your door - no matter their issues or vocal needs?

Address physical problems that students may not even realize are holding them back - and unlock consistent, effortless singing in the process? 

Get voice training sessions done more efficiently - with greater results in less time?

Add a breakthrough vocal teaching tactic to your toolbox - that will allow you to raise your rates and make more money than ever before? 

….All in just 8 weeks?

My Story

I’m a San Diego-based voice teacher, actor, and certified neuro-centric trainer specializing in a cutting-edge approach that taps into the power of the brain to dramatically improve vocal technique.

But just a few years ago - I was exactly where you are now.

I was teaching and singing professionally in Boston (mostly opera and early music), and all my students sang musical theater, pop, and rock. I felt frustrated that I had several degrees in voice and pedagogy, but not in styles I was teaching. 

I pursued study with several of the top pedagogues at the time to learn belting and crossover techniques - Bel Canto can Belto (Mary Saunders Barton), Estill, Lovetri - but I had trouble getting my body to consistently make the sounds that were demanded in musical theater and pop/rock.

But it wasn’t until I discovered Neuro-Centric Training that EVERYTHING changed. 

My epiphany happened when playing the lead role in a regional production of Xanadu - a physically taxing show that required me to belt in pop/rock styles - and on rollerskates, no less! Needless to say, the rehearsal process was a bit of a struggle - especially since I hadn’t had that much belt training at this point.

So, I sought out the help of Andrew Byrne, author of The Singing Athlete and Broadway Voice Teacher/Coach.

What I learned in my first few sessions with him was that my nervous system (specifically my inner ear) had deficits and could be corrected through simple head and eye movements. 

So I began using neurocentric drills to address the source of my singing hurdles: the brain (because - as you will learn from these techniques - the brain is the boss.) I did a foot drill, of all things, and moved beyond my belt limitations in one session - consistently. 

This opened my eyes to the power of brain-based singing and neuro-centric training. So, I became obsessed. I got certified in Z-Health Education, worked with two master Z-Health trainers privately on voice and mobility regularly, and implemented this movement in classes I taught at the college-level. I made award-winning research presentations at research symposiums, conferences for educators, and national workshops as I sought my terminal musical theater degree from San Diego State University. 

Now, I teach thousands of singers, voice teachers, and voice professionals across the country how to tap into the power of the brain to dramatically improve vocal technique. With this cutting-edge approach, I help my students vanquish vocal hurdles by retraining the brain for optimal vocal function. And you can too!

Here’s why I created a 10-week VK Mentorship program 

I want to help other voice teachers and voice professionals STOP experiencing frustration related to vocal limitations, and start training the BRAIN (instead of putting all the focus on the larynx) to unlock new levels of vocal performance and confidence within their students.

What Will You Learn in This Program?

In this 10-week intensive program, you will learn: 

  • How to assess which systems aren’t functioning properly in your student’s body and how to fix them using brain-based science

  • How to use proven brain-based drills to address and neutralize past physical body trauma and unlock new levels of freedom in singing 

  • 50+ specific drills that correspond to specific body areas and mental blocks that commonly hold students back - that you can start using TODAY!

  • How to add simple neurology-driven movement and drills to what you ALREADY know to take your teaching efficacy to new levels 

  • How to help students overcome performance anxiety through the use of drills that address natural “fight or flight” instincts and tell the brain it’s SAFE to sing! 

  • How to use these techniques yourself AND teach them to your students in a clear and easily applicable way

  • How to improve an emotionally, physically or mentally disconnected singer

  • How to help students learn how to assess and improve their muscle memory quickly with a positive result on a daily basis that will inspire them to keep practicing more than ever before. 

Who Is This Program For?

This intensive is aimed at professional voice teachers and trainers that want to level-up their singing with a 10-week guided curriculum that helps them practice neuro-centric training in a safe space so they can learn how to use this training for their own students.

I do insist that each teacher that attends the intensive trains their OWN nervous system as they learn the drills in order to practice at a high level and describe the changes that may happen to others. Only by assessing your OWN body and experiencing the transformative power of these drills will you be able to successfully assess and train your own students. 

How Does It Work?

In this 10-week program, you will attend a weekly live class with me dedicated to the practical application of neuro-centric techniques that will change the way you move, see, balance, perform and teach. 

In these weekly 90 min classes, there will be opportunities for individual coaching and hands-on hot seat training with homework assignments that get you feeling competent and practicing at a high level immediately. 

Here’s what we will go through each week: 

  • Week 1 - How Your Brain Affects Your Voice + Cranial Nerves

  • Week 2 + 3 - The Body’s First Line of Defense: Understanding the Role of the Eyes & Ears in Singing

  • Week 4+ 5 - Why So Tense? Feeling Vibration through Freeing The Tongue & Jaw

  • Week 6 +7 - Learning Upper Body and Lower Body Nerve Glides

  • Week 8 - The ABC’s of Coordination + Posture & Alignment

  • Week 9 - Feet and Lower Body Mechanics

  • Week 10 - Neuro-centric Breathing Perspective

The bottom line? With this 10 -week teacher intensive, you’ll learn to teach more efficiently and offer more value to your students with faster and more customized learning & results.

Take it from these voice professionals:


 “This information has totally changed my life forever”

-Daniel Bayot (Voice Teacher, Composer, R&B Singer, Los Angeles)

“My favorite discovery was the effect on my mood and disposition. It's been a rough year and I've been struggling for various reasons- but after each session I felt incredible and it lasted! I'm trying to incorporate the really high-payoff drills into my daily life, even outside of singing. My favorite topics were probably nerve glides and eyes.”

-Jillian Soares (Actor, Brooklyn, NY)

“Kimberly Moller offers an approach to voice training that is both unique and effective. All singers at all levels could benefit from learning singing from a neurological approach, but the benefits of her teaching expand far beyond singing.”

-Gerilyn Brault, Lecturer, MiraCosta College, San Diego-Based Actor

Kimberly’s Vocal Kinesthetics Intensive was exactly what I was looking for: research-based strategies and movement that I could use as a performer and also that I could pass on to my own students. It gave me a foundation in ways that I can help my brain trust singing better. It’s an amazing course. She brings great perspective in terms of pop, belt and retraining your brain.”

-Bradley Behrmann, Assistant Professor of Theater, West Texas A&M


I’m a professional singer - is this intensive for me?

Answer - It depends on how much you personally care about the inner-workings of your instrument and if you plan to teach singing in the future. If you are interested in joining the VK Online Studio, you’ll have access to this content and coaching in smaller bites monthly with lots of opportunity to implement and ask questions or do an add-on private 1:1 session.

What if I can’t make one of the sessions?

All sessions are recorded and housed in the VK Mighty Networks page. You can access them anytime.

When is the next Intensive?

Dates coming soon. Get on the waitlist to be the first to know!

In case you can’t tell, I’m pretty passionate about the power and potential of brain-based singing to transform outputs for singers and the teachers who help them. And I am just as passionate about sharing these techniques with as many teachers as possible. 

Simply put:

It's truly the most effective work I've ever experienced in my singing and it's the missing piece in voice pedagogy classes at the collegiate level.

I can’t wait to see you in the 2025 VK Online Mentorship for Voice Teachers!